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9/17 Tuesday 7-9 PM PST! Come hang out with me on Zoom!

Join me, alongside Bob Affleck, from Dental Coach USA, which is a dental practice coaching company that helps dentists with ownership planning, transitions, practice growth and development, and selling dental practices.

90-120 minute presentation/discussion will help you with :

PRACTICE OWNERSHIP MADE SIMPLE: Purchase or Start-Up with Confidence

  • Begin with the end in mind; explore vision, mission & values

  • Explore steps into dental practice purchase: Search, Evaluate, Offer and Finance

  • Learn a proven 8 step process to ensure success in buying or starting up

  • Determine the demographics of the “right fit” practice

  • Illuminate what to look for when assessing practice value and financial standing

  • Remove the guesswork in finding the right lender; not all are equal

  • Acknowledge considerations of the transition aftermath: managing team, systems, patients, and potential pitfalls.

  • Discover how to create a positive transition for your new team and patients

  • Understand how necessary it is creating the culture day one

  • Explore the services to add which, when implemented, cultivate instant revenue growth

  • Evaluate the pros and cons of a private sale vs. DSO

Bob Affleck, Dental Coach USA

For more than three decades, Bob Affleck has helped dentist realize their dream of practice ownership, growth, and success. Through his efforts, he has successfully transformed the lives of thousands of dentists, enabling them to leave behind a lasting legacy that they be proud of.

From practice finance specialist to practice management consultant and even a practice broker, Bob now serves as an advisor and educator for dentists. To address the significant disparity between what dentists learned in dental school and the knowledge required to operate their own practice, Bob helped close that gap through his educational programs “Dental MBA Business Series” and “Pathway to Practice Ownership”

Speaking at dental meetings across the country, Bob is frequent contributor to the educational programs of dental societies, study clubs, and dental schools. He is recognized as an influencer by peers and clients and is a frequent guest on industry podcasts Bob is a true connector. He is enthusiastic about giving back to this beloved industry and the most gratifying aspect of his work with dental professionals has been the relationships forged over time.


10/1 Tuesday 7-9 PM PST! Come hang out with me on Zoom!

Join me, alongside Jonathan Miller, from De Novo Practices, which is a dental consulting firm specializes in .

90-120 minute presentation/discussion will help you with :

”Dental Start-Up Blueprint”

  • Should you BUY vs. START-UP?

  • The real cost of Start-Up dental practice

  • What’s the first step? Where do we start?

  • The right process to open ON-TIME and ON A BUDGET

  • What you can expect to make in the first 1, 2, 3 years

  • What you need to know and what you don’t want to hear


Jonathan Miller

Jonathan spent almost 10 years with one of the largest dental specific lenders in the country. His focus was helping dentists evaluate their first practice purchase, or through help with obtaining the right project financing for a scratch start up.

During that time he helped open over 200 new “De Novo” dental offices, and performed as a project manager and financial analyst for first time practice buyers. In total he has helped close to a thousand doctors all over the country find their first practice to purchase or start their first practice. As a result of his reputation and relationships he was invited to speak year after year to some of the top dental schools in the country like UCLA, Loma Linda, Western University as well as University of Pennsylvania and Temple.

It was his passion for First Time Owners that lead Jonathan to leave corporate banking and follow his passion for helping those to seek accurate information instead affirmation. Since 2016 he has helped close to 60 First Time owners towards buying or starting their optimal practice. He even wrote a book titled “Don’t Sweat the Startup." As your advocate Jonathan can show doctors the path towards practice ownership, while minimizing their risk and taking away the fear of the unknown. With the help of his relationships in the industry, he can show doctors how to grow their practice and build their brand while maximizing their return on investment.


(Click to view RECORDINGS)
